What we need to know about a project?

a) Client & Business Operation

b) Project Need

c) Project & App Need

d) Role & Reponsibilities


How the current project is helpful for you?

a) To understand applications in real-time [consolidation of many tasks, visuals, concepts, formulas]

b)You can explain a project in interview

c) You can answer for multiple questions if you do it [challenges faced, complexities involved,
project visuals used, colors & fonts, formulas used etc...]

What is your input and output in the project?


a) Business Specification Doc

b) Technical Specification Doc

c) Model Design

Note: We got documents in sharepoint server


a) Reort [pbix], Test Case & Result document in excel

Note: We delivered in two steps

a) Creating Content Pack / Appcontent

b) We placed the reports and test docs seperately in GitHUB repositories

What exactly the project has?

a) Life cycle [Agile]

b)Approach [Top-down/ Kimball]

c) Versioning [GitHub]

d) Power Automate

e) PBI Desktop, SQL Server, Excel, OneDrive etc...

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