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TERADATA DEVELOPMENT Online Training with Real-Time Projects
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Industry worth: 18k Cr

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What will you be learning?

IT Data Fundamentals & TERADATA Existence
  • Data, Data Availability in IT
  • IT data storage areas
  • Datawarehouse, BI definitions and layers
  • Teradata existence in IT, Product services
  • Teradata Definition
  • Teradata Tools and Components
  • Teradata Opportunities
Data warehousing fundamentals
  • Data definitions (Data, Information, BI, Mining, ODS, DSS, Analysis, OLTP, OLAP, OLCP)
  • Dwh Characteristics, Principles
  • Dwh approaches (Top down/Bottom up)
  • Dwh Life Cycle steps
  • Data Mart & Types
  • Data Processing Types (OLAP)
  • Granularity and various granularities
  • Diff between OLTP and OLAP
Creative visualization through screen shots TERADATA and Competitiveness
  • What are BI, OLAP, and OLTP? Importance in the current Enterprise?
  • Competitive advantages
  • SQL History, SQL Extensions and Teradata detailed history
  • Hardware & Software requirements
  • Nodes and installation methods
Creative visualization through screen shots Huge discussion on DWH projects Dimensional Modeling Fundamentals
  • Dimension, Dimension Table & types
  • Fact, Fact Table & measures types
  • Fact less fact table
  • Various schemas (Star, Snow Flake, Galaxy & Hybrid )
  • Surrogate key and usages in real time
  • Model, Business, Conceptual, Logical, Physical Data Models
1)Teradata Warehouse and Competitiveness
  • Opportunities of Teradata in the enterprise.
  • What is Teradata-RDBMS/DWH & BI?
  • Teradata 16 & Other versions(15, 14, 13.10, 13, 12)
  • Teradata History and Real time running versions
  • Teradata View Point Features (Web based management tool)
  • Descriptions on Golden Gate and Data Mover
  • Teradata competitiveness’ and differences with other RDBMS
2)Teradata Single, Multi and Cloud System
    • Node Architecture(Shared Nothing)
    • SMP Architecture
    • MPP Architecture
    • Cloud Architecture (Teradata 16)
    • Discussion on real time no of AMPs and Nodes

Real time Project Configurations

3)Teradata Components and Explanation
    • PDE(Parallel Data Extension)
    • Vprocs(Virtual Processors)
    • TPA(Trusted Parallel Application)
    • PE(Parsing Engine)
    • AMP(Access Module Processing)
    • BYNETs(Boardless, Board Oriented)
    • TDP(Teradata Directory Program)
    • CLI(Call Level Interface)
    • VSS (Virtual Storage System)

Discussion on Certification &Interview questions

Discussion on various organizations configurations

4)Teradata Storage and Retrieval Architecture
    • Request Processing
      a. Syntaxer
      b. Resolver
      c. Security Moduled
      d. Optimizer
      e. Step Generator
      f. GNC Apply
      g. Dispatcher
    • Hashing approach
    • Hash algorithm, Row Hash, Row ID
    • DSW, Hash Map, Hash Bucket, Reaching Vdisk
5) Teradata Indexes (Primary, Secondary)
    • Primary Index
    • Unique Primary Index (UPI)
    • Non Unique Primary Index (NUPI)
    • Partitioned Primary Index (PPI)(Range_N, Case_N, Multi Valued PPI ***)
    • NOPI (No Primary Index)
    • Full Uniform Distribution vs Skewed distribution
    • Skewness and Skewfactor
    • Secondary Index
    • Unique Secondary Index (USI)
    • NonUnique Secondary Index(NUSI)
    • Value Ordered Secondary Index (VOSI)
    • Hash Index (HI)
    • Join Index (JI) and Types
    • Full Table Scan(FTS) - Execution process

Diagrammatic explanation, syntaxes and practical

Performance improvement of indexes and tuning them

1) Teradata Server, Client and Pre-requisites
  • Server start, stop, pause in Linux & Windows
  • Client tools to operate [GUI, Wizard, CUI]
  • Teradata Sql-Assistant, BTEQ, Query Studio
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), OLEDB
  • Working with Sql-Assistant, BTEQ
  • Transaction Modes [BTET, ANSI]
  • Single, Multi Statement request operations
  • Command, Query and Request Processing
2) Teradata DBA concepts
  • Databases creation, manipulation and removal
  • Users creation, manipulation and removal
  • Memory management (Spool, Perm and Temp)
  • Privileges management
  • Working with other memory areas
  • Working on DDL commands to implement
  • Working with Teradata Administrator tool
  • Working on ViewPoint Portal (Optional)
3) Teradata SQL Languages
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
  • Stored Procedure Language (SPL)
  • Teradata Extensions a. HELP b. SHOW c. EXPLAIN d. COLLECT STATISTICS
4) Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Retrieval of data from objects (SELECT)
  • Manipulation of data from objects
  • (Insert, Update, Delete, Merge, Upsert)
5) Data Definition Language (CREATE, ALTER, DROP)
  • Create/alter table with all possible options (Free space, Data Block Size)
  • Create different types of tables
  • Set table
  • Multi Set table
  • Derived table
  • Volatile table (VT)
  • Global Temporary table (GTT)
  • Error table (ET)
  • Queue
  • System Calendar
  • Temporal tables(TD 14)***
  • i. Valid Time ii. Transaction Time iii.Bi Temporal
6) Data Control Language (DBA Related Concepts)
  • GRANTing privileges (GRANT)
  • REVOKing privileges (REVOKE)
  • GIVing Privileges (GIVE)
7) Locks, Data Recovery and Protection
  • Object Locks -Access, Read, Write, Exclusive, Hut
  • NO Wait, Pseudo table lock
  • HSA, HSN (Hot Stand By AMP, NODE)
  • RAID1, RAID5, Disk Arrays
  • Fall Back, AMP Clustering
  • Clique
  • Images (Single, Dual, Before, After)
  • Journals ( Recovery, Transient and Permanent Journals, Write ahead logging)
8) Other Components of table
  • Data Types (ANSI, Teradata)
  • Data Type Attributes
  • Column Storage Attributes(COMPRESS)
  • COMPRESS (Block, Row, Column)
  • Constraints
  • Primary / Unique / References / Check
  • Soft Referential Integrity(SOFT RI)
9) Teradata Transactions
  • Implicit & Explicit Transaction
  • Interactive & Batch Modes
  • Semantic Modes a. BTET b. ANSI
10) Conditional Expressions and Operators
  • Conditional Expressions (IN, NOT IN, LIKE, EXISTS, BETWEEN AND, IS NULL etc…)
  • Arithmetic Operators and order of precedence
  • Logical Operators and order of precedence
  • Conditional Operators and order of precedence
11) Teradata Other Objects
  • Sub Queries :Simple, Nested & Correlated
  • Set Operations :Union, Union All, Intersect, Except
  • Joins : Cross, Inner, Left, Right and Full Joins

Detailed discussion on Real Time Queries and Tips

Stored Procedures

Detailed discussion on Real Time Queries and Tips

12) Teradata Functions
  • Niladic Functions
  • Table Functions
  • Scalar Functions
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Oracle functions in Teradata
  • Otranslate, Greatest, Decode, NVL, Lpad etc…
  • ETL(Normal )Functions :
  • Format, Cast, Coalesce, Nullif, Trim, Substr, Position, Length, Chars, Upper, Lower, Sample, Random, Rank, Type, Named, Title, Index, Trim, Add_Monthsetc….
  • Advanced OLAP Functions(Ordered Analytical)
  • Moving SUM/AVG/DIFF
  • Cumulative SUM/AVG/DIFF
  • With, With By
  • Rank(), Qualify
  • Row_Number(), Qualify
  • Format
  • Extract
  • Top
  • Csum
13) Teradata Performance Tuning
  • Explain Request Modifier(EXPLAINPLAN)
  • Collecting Statistics, Confidence Levels (High, Low, NO, JOIN),
  • Tuning SQL Queries & Utilities
  • Usage of PMON, Index & Statistics wizards
  • Various Indexes (Hash, Join )
  • Teradata Join Strategies (Merge, Product, Nested, Row hash)
  • Skew Factor, Skewness and remedies
  • Spool space Issues
  • System Level Bottlenecks identification.

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